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  • Writer's pictureKenny Johnson

What would you do even if you were failing?

"Find a way to build something based on passion. It has to be something that we would love doing every day, even if we were failing." Tom Bilyeu

Do not let society dictate what is failure and what is success. Live a life where you choose the freedom to say yes to what matters to you most. Fight your fight. Lean your ladder against the right wall; then climb despite whatever any one else says.


I talk a lot about fulfillment. I believe its the word that best defines the life that I want to live. Happiness is fleeting, fulfillment lives on. So how do we determine what fills us up?

Bilyeu's quote "Find a way to build something based on passion. It has to be something that we would love doing every day, even if we were failing." is a great place to start. Even if it didn't work out, go according to plan, would I do it anyway? Other forms of the same question to ask:

When given the opportunity, what do I give 100% of my effort to?

I wouldn't think twice about sacrificing time or money for the option to do...

Would it matter if I do not have a 6 digit income?

Do I need to get 1 million social media followers?

What if I don't have the new car and the big house?

What if people call me crazy for trying? (This is my personal favorite, typically if society thinks its silly you're on to something)

By adopting a contrarian mindset to our social media world we no longer have to subscribe to that society's definition of success. When we measure our triumphs by hours spent doing what we love not by what our phones tell us, we can flip the scoreboard on its head.

The funny thing is when we pursue our passions relentlessly the other things tend to fall into place. Excellence is difficult to hide (upcoming post on that). When we create will our entire being, people will take notice, the RIGHT people will appreciate what we have done.

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